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Gastritis: The inflammation of an organ that is more serious than it seems

For a long time, we have confused the idea of thinking about "gastric acidity" as the discomfort you feel when something you eat or drink doesn't sit well, causes bloating, or causes gastric discomfort. What happened in your stomach was just a pH change, meaning it became alkaline, and it's important to return the acidity to that stomach, which is in achlorhydria, that is, without enough hydrochloric acid to perform its normal functions.

Having an alkaline environment or inflammation in the stomach is not good for the digestive system, as nutrient absorption is lower or non-existent. There is also bacterial overgrowth that directly affects the small intestine (SIBO) because harmful bacteria can live in an alkaline environment, gradually losing the normal function of dissolving all foods and medications. This will directly affect intestinal health and the body in general since toxins will pass into the bloodstream. The patient will be in a bad mood interacting with the world, being vulnerable to various diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, or even cancer. Additionally, they will lose their ability to think correctly and coexist with the daily world due to such uncomfortable abdominal inflammation and its consequences.

What we do not realize or do not want to accept is the vicious circle in which the stomach is trapped, dependent on “antacid” medications that only harm it more, like the common Omeprazole, which is nothing more than poison disguised as a capsule and a great effort by marketing to make you believe it is the solution for gastritis. But the reality is that this business is not interested in your health.

This machine is perfect, designed to function without errors, it just needs to perform its function, like the stomach recovering its acidity. The importance of knowing a little more about our body's anatomy is vital because it is evident that we are doing something wrong.

The stomach is the main organ involved in digestion; whatever you eat or drink always goes there first, and important decisions are made there.

Every pill, even a vitamin, is detected by the stomach as a chemical, and we give it more work than it can handle, plus its bioavailability is minimal, and the inflammation continues, prolonging the process of regeneration of the organ itself.

Everything is based on respecting this main organ of digestion to promote internal homeostasis, that is, so that all our cells coexist in harmony, without any errors, because all nutrients reach the bloodstream and the brain to function better, in turn, keeping us strong immunologically.

It is necessary to be aware every day of what you ingest and how you can heal with the same foods. Avoid 100% the medications for “gastritis” that inhibit the production of this so necessary hydrochloric acid, for its proper function.

At Clínica MER, we can help you recover your digestive health in a few days. With my help, we will guide you with nutrition and provide an alternative to eliminate cellular damage with stem cell therapy to deflate tissues that have been damaged for years. Parietal cells in the stomach, which produce these acids, regenerate on their own in about 10 days. Therefore, if we really want to recover our stomach health and eliminate chronic inflammation, we must let go of erroneous ideas that we have maintained for years. The quality of life of "healthy" patients is affected when we blindly trust medications for gastritis, thinking they are good, efficient, and safe. The reality is that they are not.

If you want to recover your health, you will not always find the solution in conventional medicine. Sometimes, it is better to return to the most natural ways possible. With proper nutrition and regenerative medicine, you can achieve comprehensive and lasting well-being.

When we want to understand that medications are not the solution, we are on the right track.

FB. Clínica MER / Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine

IG. @clinicamer

Tel. 5524751124

Dra. Adriana Gudiño Reyes


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